Dungeon Signals Podcast 375 – Kris Adrian

Dungeon Signals Podcast

Dungeon Signals Podcast 375 – Kris Adrian Tracklist

Throughout Kris Adrian’s life electronic music always played a key role. This DJ / Producer / Promotor hosts his own Global Underground Sounds (G.U.S.) parties at the legendary Café d’Anvers in Antwerp (Belgium). Throughout the years he shared decks with Martin Eyerer, Stefano Noferini, and Rainer Weichhold, to name a few. Besides this Kris Adrian also plays regularly abroad in countries like Holland, Germany, Spain, the UK, US, Bahrain and UAE. As a producer, he released tracks for labels like Sunora, Spinne Records, Element Ravers, and Conic. For the future we see him boost his skills as a producer.

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